Birchills Church of England Community Academy



In May Year 6 will sit SATs which test their understanding of what they have learned during Key Stage 2.


This page gives key information about the SATs as well as providing useful websites and revision tips.   

Key Dates

SATs Information Events: tbc

SATs Tuition Starts: tbc



 Revision Tips

Getting started on your revision isn't easy, here's some helpful ways to keep you focused...

  • Create a revision timetable and allocate time each day to revise subjects.
  • Practice mental arithmetic often and in small chunks, timing yourself between questions.
  • Pick a focus for your revision each day.
  • Work on areas that have been taught at school which you may feel you need longer on, (ask your teachers if you need advice about this.)
  • Revise in a space you feel is quiet and can concentrate.
  • Allow yourself treats for good revising sessions!
  • Make the effort to concentrate in class.
  • Complete homework - it is there to consolidate learning that you have completed.
  • Sleep plenty.
  • Relax! The more stressed about SATs you get the more likely you are to underachieve. See this as a way to show off what you know. 

Useful Revision Websites 


English -









Maths -










To get an idea of the types of SATs questions you could be asked, have a look at these past SATs papers. 


Be careful when looking at old SATs papers - the bar has been raised and you can expect to be more challenged in the new tests!


Below are some handy revision resources for you to download and print including a ready made revision timetable template and  maths day to day revision grids. If you come up with any of your own uselful revision tips and ideas please let one of the Y6 staff know and they can include it on this page. If printing at home is an issue, please don't hesitate to print in school. 


If there is anything in particular you would like resources for and have yet to find, please don't hesitate to speak to any of the Year 6 staff; we'll be working very hard in school but are happy to help with home too! 


 revision_timet4ble (1).docxDownload
 year_6_revision_objectives_maths (1).docDownload
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